STEAL analysis offers an overview of various internal elements that affects the story. It is an acronym for Speech, Thoughts, Effect on others, Action and Looks.
Note: Additional details for each element, such as textual evidences, may appear after each infographic.
THOUGHTS (additional)
◼ Being considerate to fellow Filipino Free at last, or almost, I thought. Not only from Carol but from my promise to return the favor somebody did for me when I first arrived in America. (Ben to himself)
◼ Understanding carol in her downs She made me feel mean and selfish. I remembered how it was for me when I first arrived. It was scary, I didn’t know which bus to take to get anywhere. I was afraid to use home appliances I hadn’t seen before. Everything was unfamiliar and I was miserable. Now, she was going through the very same things and all I could think about was making it with her.
◼ Remembering his memories with carol the card turned out to be a wedding invitation. It was from William Hagen and Carolina Dimarocot. That’s when I realized I knew people from Fresno after all–how could I have forgotten Carol? She had burst into my life not too long ago and turned my everyday routine upside down for a few months.
EFFECT ON OTHERS (additional)
◼ When Bill and Carol invites Ben to their wedding because Bill thinks that he is a very good to Carol and also because Carol wants to thank Ben.
"Bill thinks you’re a very good cousin and he’s grateful to you for taking good care of me when I first arrived. I would also like to thank you again, in person, when you get here for all the things you’ve done for me. I think we can find time for that."
◼ When Carol feels frustrated because she always troubled Ben in a lot of things.
“I’m sorry I keep doing dumb things that make you mad. I don’t know anything about life here. It’s miserable–I’ll never get used to it. It’s a very lonely life, very different from what I expected.”
◼When Carol feel so thankful towards Ben for all of the good things he have done to her.
“Someday, I’ll be in a position to thank you properly,”
◼ When Carol had a good time last night and felt relaxed because of the things she do with Ben.
“Look, it’s okay. I just want to know whether it was a dream or Bill or you. I had a good time last night–it’s been a long while since I had a more enjoyable evening.”